

26/03/2025 min. max.
castor 1225 1257
mustrad 1000 1086
wheat 431 570
bajari 500 571
rajgaro 1011 1117
groundnut 1021 1021
cumin 3500 4300
suva 1111 1412
variyali 2000 2300
chana 961 1015


26/03/2025 min. max.
Potato 80 230
onion 330 450
apple 1000 2860
tomato 40 180
lemon 2000 2450
chilli 400 760
garlic 1300 1660
cabbage 40 80
caulifiower 140 270
coconut 700 990


25/03/2025 min. max.
castor 1230 1255
mustard 1000 1080
rajgira 1055 1126
bajari 504 612
cumin 3681 4171
wheat 455 500

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We’d like to give you our new address of Kisan medical stores.

block – 10, Sardar patel shopping center, near khodiyar mataji temple,v.j. patel vegetable market opposite